Monday, July 26, 2010
Jesus Painting from Hem of His Garment Conference at Bethel Church

Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Hem Of His Garment Conference Painting

The Hem of His Garment Healing conference is going on this week at Bethel. I had the privilege of painting on stage Monday Night. This painting is called Wings of Love. It is a picture of what I felt God was doing that evening during worship- releasing healing for broken hearts.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Healing Rooms Testimonies- July 10
Healing Rooms—July 10, 2010
Besides the healings recorded below, there were 26 reported cases of complete healing of pain and 21 of pain reduction. Twenty people left with peace and 20 with hope, and 15 felt freedom or relief. Fifteen received a prophetic word and 15 experienced the presence of God. Those numbers just indicate what the prayer servants reported. Much more happened during and after the prayer than we may ever know. Twelve were touched by God, six received the baptism in the Holy Spirit, several fell out under God’s power, and six had legs grow out. Nine forgave themselves or others, and a few received a new understanding of their identity or were reconnected to the Father.
Prayer Recipient Testimonies
Erico from Richmond
Erico is a professional athlete, and he sprained his ankle a week before a World Campionship tournament of jujitsu on his birthday, for which he had been training for months. The damage was in three spots and he had also damaged ligaments. The doctor said it would take six months to heal. It has been only a month. He can jump really high with no problem, which he demonstrated with ecstatic joy. He left with exuberant gratitude and a perfectly healed ankle.
Meg from Vancouver, BC
Meg had a right leg that was shorter and that had caused scoliosis. Her leg grew out. They prayed for her spine to relax. She said, “It sound’s so simple, but it is so amazing.” Last year she came here, and they prayed for her regarding SAD (seasonal affective disorder) which caused clinical depression for which she was on meds, and she experienced none this year. Her radiant face was the picture of joy!
Caleb from Washington
Caleb wanted prayer for complete breakthrough from fear. From the time Caleb was three when at his gradmother’s house he saw a dark figure walk from someone’s room and stare at him, he has been afraid of the dark. He would wake up at night, and still see the figure and scream. It was hard to sleep. In January, he said, “God that is not part of me. You did not give that to me.” He hasn’t seen that since. He has been seeing the Lord in his sleep now. He quit watching movies with darkness. He used to like those. After that, he went to a conference. He used to be too scared to step out. He prayed he could worship with the angels, and after one of the songs, he opened his eyes and was able to see angels. Ever since he got rid of darkness, he has been able to see light. As he was praying with someone today, the prayer servant spoke to little Caleb (Caleb when he was a child) to say it was not part of him. Caleb was able to see himself as a little kid with Jesus appearing in front of him, and he saw the thing of darkness come and stopped and couldn’t look at Jesus and went away. The prayer servant said, “Go back to where you came from.” Now Caleb (who is 16) knows he doesn’t have to use his humor to cover up the spirit of fear anymore. He will use it for Jesus. Before this time, someone prophesied that he would go into the world and speak to others using creativity. He said he had the mouth of a prophet to prophesy. Tomorrow night he and a friend are giving a word about light and darkness at his church.
Sheldon from Redding
Up to a week ago, Sheldon was lost. He is not sure what you call it, but God set an opportunity for him to do some home thinking time by himself. God ministered to him. He had had a panic attack for the first time in a while. He found a Bible and it started a whirlwind. He had visions of what he is supposed to be doing. The last week has been the most beautiful week he has had. God “ambushed” him unbelievably. He just talked to God all week. Everything has changed. He had neck and back problems for which he just received prayer, and right now he says he “feels like a million dollars.” Also his leg grew out to match the other. God gave him a vision and changed his whole direction. He has had His presence before but not like this. He was really down and gave himself completely to God. Every day is a new experience.
Michelle from Wisconsin
Michelle came for prayer for the beginning of rheumatoid arthritis. When the prayer servant prayed for her broken heart, Michelle saw a picture of the tin man from the Wizard of Oz. She saw a picture of an oil can opening that turned into an IV drip that kept dripping through her body. Michelle was lying on the floor experiencing that, and it was a delightful feeling. Her joints, neck were stuck. She feels very “oozy and warm and wonderful.”
Ellen from Texas
Ellen had some problems with the right side of her body. The prayer servant said there might be something in her church that is not in complete alignment and unity, and that rang a bell. There are, in fact, problems in her church that are concerning her. They prayed for her finger that was numb. Her foot was painful when bent back and now it’s 80% better. She couldn’t put pressure on the palm of her hand. She is feeling better. Her hand can stand pressure now, and her finger is no longer numb.
Tom from Texas
They prayed for Tom’s tinnitis, and he is hearing more clearly. It’s still there a little, but he hears better. He has emphasema, but he is breathing more easily. It started today when he took communion with his wife; he began then to breathe more easily. He has a real peace right now.
Jennifer from Oregon
When she came in, she had severe knee pain. She had a baker’s cyst behind her knee the size of a golf ball and a torn meniscus in her left knee. Every time she stood up or sat down, she had horrible pain. It’s 80% better. She can get up without pain. The cyst is smaller, and she doesn’t even know if it’s there. She had a brain tumor, so she received prayer for her brain, too. Her shoulder is better, too (torn rotator cuff) even though she didn’t receive prayer for it.
Liberty from Washington
She had very bad eyesight. Now she can see at least 50% better. She couldn’t read an exit sign five feet away. Now she can.
Larry from Washington
He had a hip injury from an accident. He was running in the rain and went over a cattle gate and it came off the hinges and his left leg went underneathe and he fell back on it and injured his hip. He received prayer for it elsewhere six months ago, and he had a lot more mobility, but the pain shifted into his lower back, and that pain is gone today. He couldn’t even lift his leg up to get in the car on the passenger side. He can lift his leg now.
Dean from Washington
His hearing is better. He is having a progressive healing.
Randall from Washington
Randall was in the Encounter Room cross-legged on the floor for a half hour. He got up without numbness, which he would normally have had after that, as he says, “at his age.” The stiffness in his neck and shoulder from an injury he had last fall is gone after prayer. The “crunching” sound inside his neck is gone.
Ron from Washington
Ron couldn’t get to the chiropractor on Tuesday. Wednesday the chiropractor said it would be a miracle if he could drive to Redding the 10-hour drive from Tacoma. He made it down with a lot of pain in his back. He could barely get up before, but demonstrated that he could now easily stand up after prayer. His back was out all the time. It went out Saturday. He got stuck in his car one day. His chiropractor is a believer who has only seen one miracle. It will be fun for the chiropractoer to hear his testimony.
Natalie from Sacramento
Natalie came for prayer for MS, weakness in her hands, and lower back pain. Right now her hands feel good; there is no weakness, and her back is not tight anymore.
Nela from Red Bluff
Nela said she was really blessed and felt His presence and felt unforgiveness toward herself lifted off and had peace.
Ray from Oregon
Ray has been dealing with depression since he got his cancer diagnosis. They want him to do chemo and other things. He came expecting God to touch him and his wife. He asked God in the Encounter Room for a fleece about whether to do chemo. God showed him his walk needs to be more righteous. He gave him three areas to work on. He felt like the Lord said that he would not need chemo. When the prayer servant prayed for him, his energy level went through the roof. That was the fleece: that we would have energy.
Sharen from Anderson
Sharen battles pancreatic cancer. She has no more pain in the pancreas or back and believes she has no more cancer.
Carol from Cottonwood
Carol had constant pain in her back and legs (post polio syndrome) since 2007. The pain is gone.
Adriana from Redding
Adriana felt a difference in her back. The worry is gone. The Lord touched her back and the pain is gone.
She was healed of bipolar disorder two months ago. She stopped taking medicine two months ago. The Lord healed her, and she feels great. She lost 20 pounds in the first month after she stopped the meds because the medicine made her gain weight. She got sick when she was 16 and was hospitalized for a month. She moved to the US from Romania when she was 12. The Lord spoke to her today and said He cares and that she is not alone.
Joseph from Sacramento
Joseph had a herniated disc in his back, and he received prayer and his leg is hot right now. His back feels better. He is feeling really good.
Rita from Oregon
Rita’s wrists were healed. There is no more pain.
Wendy from Washington
Wendy feels light as a feather. Her tennis elbow is healed. She is a flight attendant, so that’s really important to her.
Prayer Servant Reports
The spur in a woman’s hand was 80% healed.
The lump in a man’s breast dissolved by 50%.
A woman with constant pain from Lyme’s disease no longer has any pain. She can move her hands easily.
A young man received 70% improvement in his eyesight.
A man was healed of tinnitis and a retinal problem in his eye when a prayer servant walked past him.
A woman had restored mobility in her shoulders and no more speech impediment. She had a slight lisp but no longer does. She also received full healing on the right side of her body that had no feeling because of an accident.
A man said 70% of the ringing in his ears stopped.
A woman’s numbness on her left side that she had had for 20 years was 75% better.
A woman’s varicose veins looked improved.
A woman’s vision is much better than when she came in. It had been fuzzy.
A man had a picture that helped him receive.
A woman’s neck stopped clicking.
A woman has no unusual spasms anymore, and she is feeling extremely peaceful and encouraged.
A mildly autistic child was touched by God and was calmer and seemed to have improvement in his hearing after receiving prayer.
A woman who came in with nausea is now hungry for food.
A woman felt clearness in her lungs and sinuses after dropping to the ground in joy.
A young man had autism and cerebral palsy. His hamstrings were shortened from the cerebral palsy and he felt heat in his legs. He heard a song in his head and the prayer servant believes that was Jesus healing the autism.
A pregnant lady came for bleeding and she had miscarried in the past so she wanted to embrace the pregnancy and not be afraid. After prayer, she was feeling great and was beginning to embracy the baby. The prayer servance wrote that she had no bleeding since the last time (Testimony writer is not sure what “last time” means).
Alignment came into a man’s hands and shoulders as his hands and shoulders grew out. ??? [Note: the testimony writer did not understand what was meant by his “hands” and “shoulders” grew out. Did you mean “arms”? If you wrote that testimony and have further explanation, please let us know. Thanks.]
A woman felt decreased pain and increased mobility on her neck and back.
A man’s neck and shoulder muscles were looser after prayer, and he left with a smile.
A lady’s eyesight improved.
A woman with glaucoma, diabetes and high blood pressure came in with bloodshot eyes (she couldn’t find her eyedrops this morning). After receiving prayer, her eyes cleared up and the pain in them was almost gone. She fell out under the power of the Holy Spirit and remained on the floor for 30 minutes, after which she felt great!
A woman was slain in the Spirit and she felt her neck popping and her muscles relaxing. Her pain left.
A man with IBS, asthma and weight problems got “drunk” in the Spirit, received peace, could breathe more easily and lost a belt size.
A woman’s eyesight improved by 50%.
A teen with allergies, sinus problems and lots of other issues, fell over, had an encounter with Jesus and had his sinuses clear up.
A young man with bipolar disorder, depression, stress and anxiety felt his heart loosen up as he received prayer for depression.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Healing Rooms Experimental format in the Sanctuary
Healing Rooms June 26, 2010
This was a
n awesome time this last week, riding on the en
d of a kingdom conference, the Saturday Healing rooms were full of faith and as a result the Holy Spirit h
ad a hay day.
It was an experimental format, normally there
is a soaking "encounter" room where guests wors
hip and engage before their number is called to come into the prayer room where they are individually
prayed for. This last week, because there were so many people, everyone was in the sanctuary an
d instead of the guests getting shuffled around the prayer servants mingled and prayed while the guests worshiped. I
painted onstage then traveled around doing prophetic characters. The first time I ev
er tried it. It was a lot fun and affective. I love the way the Holy Spirit speaks to people. The painting I saw during th
e pre prayer time and is called "Into His Presence". It is symbolic of the corporate
encounter that we entered into as a group. It was painted on the back of the canvas so the stretcher bars gave it the three dimensional feel of a portal or
a window.
The presence of God was so strong on Saturday! Here are the healing testimonies...
Many felt better, were relieved of pain and left lighter and freer.
Prayer Recipient Testimonies
Dave from the UK
Dave has had problems with his right leg for some time. It was painful when he drove, and he has had a lot of tension and pain for twelve years. Sometimes muscles mask something deeper. It is probably covering up a problem with his knee. He feels some restoration is going on. The tension and tightness are gone, and he feels heat.
Gardenia from Turlock
Gardenia has been praying to see gemstones, and she found three this week, one at the altar.
John from Richmond, WA
God went deep and John said he received a real release in his spirit about being God’s and that He wanted and willed him. He received much in the way of identity.
Sadie from Encinitas
Sadie said she was released from addiction and the attending pinched nerve in her neck. She is full of joy.
Dave from Ohio
Dave wanted prayer to have discouragement broken off of him. Two prayed for him and declared freedom over him. He feels awesome now. He has been playing guitar since he was 12 loudly, and he has a hard time hearing sometimes in a room like this (the busy Healing Rooms). A lady who had just gotten healed of hearing loss prayed for him. His ear has been plugged up for three months, and now it’s better. He felt something was going on, and then it opened up.
Diana from Kentucky
For ten years, Diana had an autoimmune disease that would manifest with sores in her mouth. The Lord revealed that way down deep she had given the enemy access because she thought she was punishable. She had pain in her knees when she would bend. (She’s on her feet all day because she is a hairdresser.) They called out a word of knowledge. They said she was an intercessor and it was an attack on her intercession. She has no more pain in her knees.
Roy from Fresno
Roy wrote that after Joaquin called out a word of knowledge for neck healing, his back pain was relieved and pain and numbness left. His neck is also feeling better.
Alyssa from Tustin Ranch
She has dealt with bipolar disorder for about 8 years. She really wanted to be set free and asked God who should pray for her. She walked in the room, and God told her to go to the far back corner. She saw a girl there with black hair, and God told her to sit by her. She overheard someone behind her praying for the girl behind her who is also called Alyssa and prayed, “I pray for clarity and confusion and cloudiness and depression to be gone.”
So Alyssa from Tustin Ranch received what the lady prayed for the other Alyssa, who was dealing with ADD.
The team then prayed for her hormones and chromosomes . As she received prayer, Alyssa got a picture of her mind in chains and Jesus breaking off the chains.
Heather from the UK
She was really encouraged. She soaked and talked to God about things she didn’t realize she needed to talk to him about. Women prayed for her and prophesied over her, and it was helpful for her. She wants to change direction in her work. The team didn’t know that and said whatever she put her hands to would prosper.
Pamela from OR
Pamela had an injury from a car accident a year ago and received laying on of hands for a stiff shoulder, which she can now lift up above where she couldn’t before. She felt lighter and freer.
Shirley from OR
Shirley’s random joint pain went from a level 9 to a level 2.
Nicholas from CA
The pain in Nicolas’ injured left toe has completely left.
Wenlan from GA
A man who came in for lung cancer in his lower right lobe, a tumor in his adrenal gland, depression and diabetes reported that the pain was at 60% before, but is now at 5 %.
Angela from CA
Angela suffers from allergies. The team prayed for the root cause to be gone, and she felt something come out of her right ear and felt a tingling.
Linda from OR
Linda had shoulder pain at level 5. They called out shoulder pain and prayed for her, and now it’s gone.
Shestine from CA
Shestine suffered from a neck injury from a car accident, blood pressure and back injury. Her neck loosened up, and her lower back loosened up as well. Her pain level was at 9, but now it’s completely gone.
Jan Willein from the Netherlands
Prostate problems and curves in spine and slipping disks. Prostate problem went during the time in Healing Rooms.
Wende from AZ
Wende came in with allergies and back injury; her pain was at a 6 before, and now it’s 0.
Ruthann from WA
Ruthann’s eyes were nearsighted. She couldn’t see 15 feet away; she had glasses but had lost them on the way here. She received prayer and felt heat and now can see from one end of the sanctuary to the other.
Laury from NH
Laury’s eye floaters and pinched muscles in the lower back were released after prayer.
Terry from WA
Terry had pain going down her left arm and burning on her skin. The pain has left. Her thyroid gland was completely inactive, and she left home without medication and has been without it for four days. She has no pain in her shoulder and felt fire and tingling in her mind.
Jack from CA
Jack had a neck injury, lower back pain, and a swollen gland in his neck. The pain in his neck and lower back has completely gone, and the gland in his neck has gone down to a normal size.
Cheryl from NZ
Cheryl wrote: “Some pain gone. Filled with joy.”
Dennis from NZ
Dennis requested prayer for post-medication trauma after treatment for hepatitis C infection. He wrote: “Pastor Gore prayed for the ‘shalom’ of God to touch the chaos in the cells of my body—a powerful description of my life for the last two years of pre-treatment and ___[?] I go in peace.”
Testimonies Shared from the Stage
A woman’s hip came into alignment as her leg grew.
A girl had partial hearing loss, and she said it’s totally better. Her hearing is now the same in that ear as the other ear.
A lady had lung cancer and pain in her chest. All the pain completely left her chest.
Prayer Servant Testimonies
The pressure and pain is gone from a woman’s uterus. Her faith was restored, and she received inner healing.
A lady feels love, and her knee pain reduced slightly.
The congestion in a woman’s nose began to break up, making it easier for her to breathe. Her hearing opened and her breathing is much better with air through her nose. Her blood clot is going down, and she has no more back pain.
A woman had three surgeries for detached retina and cataract and a small hole in the retina. The prayer servant wrote that her eyes were healed but did not specify what that looked like. The ringing in her ears diminished.
A woman had discomfort in her rib area (cause unknown), but now she doesn’t feel it anymore.
A man had a significant reduction in the ringing in his ears.
A person’s back pain and headache are gone.
A lady with aching feet feels 85-90% better. She received prayer for her legs to grow out and her left leg grew.
A lady’s left leg grew out and her back pain decreased much. She should normally turn inwards when standing, but now she is not. She has alignment.
A woman’s neck is feeling much better.
A man wanted to have the ability to smell and breathe through his nose again and he received some relief in it as well as joy and fire.
A man with lower back pain felt improvement in his back.
A girl felt the spirit of torment leave. She instantly felt joy and deliverance.
A man had a breakthrough in joy, and his shoulder was healed.
A lady’s shoulder felt better.
A woman has less sinus pressure.
A man’s big toe was causing him to limp, and now it’s healed. Stiffness in his joints is gone.
A woman’s elbow pain is 100% gone, and her neck is 90% better.
The team laughed at a woman’s headache and ear problems. Her headache left and her ear opened up.
Pain in a man’s hip, leg and arm is gone. He received peace and has learned how to encounter God and was grateful to see heaven opened.
A woman felt confidence and faith rise and the power of God.
A woman wrote that she felt she received release from the weight she had carried spiritually.
A woman felt lessening of pain in her hips and lower back.
A woman with tendonitis in her right elbow with a pain level of 6 left with her pain level down to 1.
A man with high blood pressure and arthritis came in with level 10 pain and left with it at 1.
A woman with back out of alignment had the pain in her shoulder and back completely go.
After prayer the pressure in a woman’s painful ankle completely left.
A man came in with right rotator cuff pain, left hip pain and lower back pain. His shoulder was healed before receiving prayer, and his hip and back pain left.
A woman’s knee pain decreased.
Pain in a woman’s shoulder lessened.
Color returned to the skin of a man with cystic fibrosis and a metabolic disorder.
A woman with residual auto-immune disease, a non-cancerous tumor and knee and hip problems can now kneel and experienced heat in the knee and area of the tumor.
A woman’s lazy eye straightened up. She could sense God shifting things, and it felt different. She had joy.
The bone spur on a woman’s foot went from a pain level 3 to 1. Her blood blister is 25% better.
A woman was totally freed of back pain and experienced freedom, deliverance and joy.
All pain left a woman with knee and shoulder rotator cuff problems.
A woman received 100% healing from painful tendonitis.
A man experienced about 60% healing from the pain in his knees.
A man with a problem in his spinal discs had no more pain.
A woman’s nausea was much relieved.
A woman with plantar fasciitis said her feet felt awesome and she would test them out throughout the day.
A person’s problems from a bike accident (bruised shoulder, muscles, bone) were 25% better. No specifics as to which problems were 25% better.
A man who requested prayer for varicose veins, ringing in the ears and an undisclosed back problem reported having received 80% of his hearing back and the ringing almost gone. He also wrote that his veins are getting smaller.
The pain in a man’s shoulder reduced.
A man’s back is a lot better. All muscle tension is gone.
The team broke a curse off of a woman, and she felt it leaving.
A man’s shoulder, hip and back were healed even before he received prayer. He came for prayer for all those things and for gout. The healing of his foot has begun.
A woman’s back pain was 100% healed and her teeth are 75% better.
A lady’s legs felt stronger and her breathing was easier.
A lady received emotional healing and freedom from past hurts.
A man in Canada with major back pain that had him bedridden was phoned and felt tingling, and his back is 80% better.
A woman was totally healed of back and hip pain.
A woman’s nasal passages are clearer.
Pain left a woman’s neck and leg, and her elbow is 95% healed.
A woman received emotional breakthrough and was drunk in the Spirit for the first time.
The swelling in a man’s disc went down, and he had 50% breakthrough in his back and knee.
A woman said she was healed of a lump in her throat that had been there for four months.
Pain in a woman’s tooth decreased.
A lady’s knee pain is almost gone.
A man’s back, neck and hip are significantly better.