Tonight I was contemplating the aspect of the prophetic that requires us to carry promises that there is not yet honor for... Sometimes it means walking in things the world has never seen, giving language to the God deposits we find in people, planting promises another generation will reap the benefits of by testifying to what we can see and speaking the future into existence. I was also thinking about how pioneers can be equally misunderstood because they see things others cannot see and for the sake of vision, they go where others are not willing to leave their comfort zones to go. They do things first in faith and in so doing forge trails and chart a paths on foot that others one day will travel on in cars. The inheritance we freely enjoy and take for granted we owe to those who were willing to take risks. They stepped out in faith even when they could only see in part and at times looked foolish to others. To the pioneers and visionaries, thank you for not letting the voices of criticism and intimidation quite the One inside you leading you on, and the fear of the unknown confine you to mediocrity. May I also have the patience to hold onto promises that will one day transform the world around me and the courage to be a trail blazer that does not settle for what has been but presses forward into what can be. I hope that you too embrace all that God has for you, because the grace needed for the journey has already been supplied, the treasures you find in people are priceless, and the end is always glorious whether it be in this life or the next.