Sometimes it is difficult to describe the unique way God chooses to reveal himself, especially when it is through impressions, fleeting images (not so fleeting images), dreams, visions, and still quiet whispers that speak to our hearts. As of late I have been encountering the Lord in new ways and becoming more and more aware that some of the experiences and messages he is giving me are not just for me, but that he wants to repeat them in others and bless them as they are shared. The way he speaks is endlessly creative. Here's one of the ways I experienced him this last month, I was holding my hands out in front of me during worship, when I felt living water pour over them. It was like liquid love. Seeing it made me thirsty and my mouth water. Instinctively I lifted my hands to my face and took a drink. It was so sweet and pure and I felt so much peace. Drinking a little only made me thirsty for more like I had to have all of it, yet knowing at the same time it was an unending supply from an eternal source that would never run dry. -yes, I did get tipsy) After that I saw this picture that this last week I finally sat down to paint after it wouldn't leave my head and and I felt heavy with an urgency to paint it. I hope it blesses you!
"Living Water"-John 4:14
Acrylic on Canvas, 36x24
Living water fill my soul,
Living water make me whole,
Lift and drink what never ends,
and you will never thirst again!